You are invited to come help plant trees inside the Willow Worlds!
I’m excited, it’s all going to plan… But. I thought I should offer you the chance to actually visit the newly planted Willow Worlds before they start to grow and the chance to stand inside one and imagine this green new world! You could also visit with me and see the prototype Willow World which is now over 3 years old and looks great!
Here are the dates - it’s basically the next 2 Wednesdays.
Wednesday 12th of March, 10am-2.30pm (lunch provided at 12.30 - all diets included)
Wednesday 19th of March. 10am-2.30pm (lunch provided - all diets included)
Meeting point: CLEAR Community Kitchen and Bike Workshop (and loo!)
47 Sandwell Street, Buckhaven, Fife, KY8 1BZ
If late find us at Muiredge Park, KY8 1EA.
Please let me know if you can make it:
or alternatively email Sam Green: who is leading the tree planting side of things. We have lots of tree planters and you’re welcome to join us.